Something ends because there is something better lined up in the future

Something ends because there is something better lined up in the future

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Movies that Inspired me

hellowwwww :D

so masa mereput duduk rumah, tunggu result semua ade laaa 
watching movies sekadar mengisi leisure time
so for me dahhh banyak cerita aku tengok cannot count ade laaa 
lebih drpd 10 bawah drpd 50 laa jugak

so aku suka cerita yg sgt inspiring tau...because when we watch them
kita pon nak jadi mcm die org aku suka cerita real mcm mana org tu jatuh bangun
dalam hidup dia (actually semua genre cerita aku minat)
so I would like to share laaa movies yg 
very inspiring me 

The Social Network

its about how Mark Zukerberg yang muda setahun jagung tuh
boleh run a website yg perghhh *dulu* laaa pernah glamor
smpai gaduh ngn bestfriend dia naik turun lawyer
best sgt2 
lagi satu sebab best sebab ade Andrew Garfield tu yang laku tuh
"The toughest time tests in life dont happen in toughest time but after"
~Mark Zukerberg~

The Theory Of Everything

its about Stephen Hawking life. cite ni sedeyh laaa
sebab dia jatuh sakit and ade penyakit Nueron Motor Disease
and how about seorang isteri yg sanggup jaga dia sebab cintakan dia
and jeles laaa tengok otak dia yg gifted tuhhh....
best sgt2 citer niyhhh must watch
cite niyh bukan utk org nerd jeee
"However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can succeed at"
~Stephen Hawking~ 


its about Steve Jobs yang run Apple company
its about cemana dia rampas balik hak dia rampas balik idea dia
yang org lain curi. Dah laa x de sape nak percayakan dia masa dia ckp
dia nak buat fon and laptop yg nipis. Semua kata dia gila.
At the same time idea dia tuh manyak bagus
" The people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do"
~Steve Jobs~

The Wolf of Wall Street

its about founder of Wallstreet , a street -brooker Jordan Belfort
dia niyh perangai ntah ape2 sikit but mindaaa dia utk capai matlamat tuh shetail
cerita niyh 18sx laaa jugak tapi try to think from the bright side laaa
macam mana dia manage syarikat WallStreet tuh.
" The only thing standing between you and your dream is a bullshit story
you keep telling yourself as to why you cant achieve it"
~Jordan Belfort~ 


hmmm boleh tahan laaa bosan tapi dia pasal mcm mana group of wrestler
dia ditaja oleh John Du Pont org kaya
so die org start laah menempah nama 
pelakon dia Channing Tantum

So nak tahu lagi banyak cerita yg genre biography klik ke --->

thats all from me
May you be inspired and inspiring :D


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