Something ends because there is something better lined up in the future

Something ends because there is something better lined up in the future

Sunday 15 February 2015

KYSB NZCAP Camp experianced

Assalamualaikum here there...
actually today was a tiring day as today is the day >.<
 so here it is. hmmm where to start?

So I got a call from Idk maybe from the KYS officer kot. They were inviting me for NZCAP Camp
and I was "Huh?" , "How did you get my number?" , "NZ whattt?"

so they told me that my counselor had list down the ntah laa what list
so they was offering these guys. So i tell myself why not kann percuma kot Country resort ah layan je
KYS kot budak2 kaya and so on in my mind
aku pon mcm nak x nak je pergi sebab x de kawan until I know that Wan my classmate pergi
kat situ hm budak2 quite speaking eng aku x nk bajet ann I just want down to earth
buat ape bajet2 kau nk cari kawan kot. so maybe manglish jee la
ade tuh speaking 24 jam haha. tapi x de laa aku nk ckp budak2 speaking ni bajet
they did a good job instead and good culture also. Act, banyak pros n cons
tetibe debate lak kann haha ok continue

so dup dup until the day of 14th Feb I came to Ayer Keruh Country Resort
then isi borang semua and masa tgh beratur tetibe Acap tegur 
and theres another representative from STJ haha so usha2 lagi
hmmmm Hampa. 3org je yg ade so I was the only girl
its okayh Im making a good friends there they were so kind
rata2 kat sini budak MRSM and SBP ade la sikit Kluster School n SMK
cuak gak first2 alaa nak takut ape we are buddies dont be too offend and dont clasify people  

ok so lupa nak cakap 
Kolej Yayasan Saad Business School New Zealand Chartered Accountancy Program
its about 7 years of study that persue in Chartered Account course 
then you will experience study in New Zealand
paham dok?

one of the ice breaking session : First Impression- i think on the left are honest and the right are way to clinch 
its about two days one night prog je
so first day after registration ade briefing la pasal New Zealand  by Mr. Rod he was really funny
origin from NZ and lecturer to KYSB actually ramai gile mat saleh jadi lecturer KYSB which is good to the students to learn about mat salleh technic in studies 
and learn about NZ culture best laa alaa mcm org asli malaysia (sama je)
then kite org ice breking and form 14 groups. Iwas the fifth group

Sorry guys dapat jumpa mana yang sempat je sebelom balik
During Colgate Game
bercakap pasal group, nak puji sikit ah groupmate
Nice Caring Baik Awesome Funny Fun haaa sukati kau laa puji diri sendiri cemana
our group name WHAKAMATAKU (in Maori)
Maori is an ethnic in NZ so nk tahu dlm bahasa eng try ah translate
They are :Amir( leader), Anuar, Syamil, Norman, Riduan, Me, Shasha, Farra, Ilya, Aliya, Farha and Sin Chi (just 12 of us)
first patotnya akward tapi kejap jee pastu bising je haha

The roomates- Shasha and Ainin
pastu check in bilik and roomate ngn Shasha n Ainin
best laa perangai gila2 borak2 gosip semua

then after that ade sport aku ingat die org nk test physical ghupenya
hmm main2 je and explorace
firstly main Colgate. In malay proverbs, "bagai menconteng arang...." actually main watercolour cat muka everyone haha kelakar je banyak gelak n mcm pasar je every group
then start explorace enjoy gila lari sana sini masuk pool, joget2, balloons semua
best laaa ngn groupmate semua 

very tiring laaa then tetibe last sekali ade task kene selesaikan solving problems
SELLING YOUR SOUL haa amik kau soalan tuh akak fasi aku ckp masa sem3 nanti baru belajar
then nanti bende niyh kene present dekat depan ngn groupmate
seriously aku masa tuh nak nanges sebab aku bukan otak CA 
puas laa gaduh2 cari jawapan pastu gelabah gila nk tulis kat mahjong paper sebab run of time
makan pon x de selera sebab rushing
then malam tuh ade briefing pasal scholar and pathway CA memang ramai gile sengguk masa tuh
aku haha x tidooo sebab curios sebab tuh nk dgr btol2
then masa kol 11 tuh baru abis briefing tuh and adeke patot nk go on dengan presentation?
"madness heaven sin"-TSwift
then tetibe "Group representation is been cancel. You may be dismiss"
yes and yay and yahoooo 

then esok tuh means harini the formal interview. aku dpt session pagi and kesian sape yg dpt session ptg. pagi tuh pukul 9 kumpul then nama dah start kene panggil. nervous sikit jee
sebab pernah rase mock interview kat sekolah kann so da ready da
and fasi is very nice tua setahun je ensem2 n cantik2
(typical) (amik hati senior) haha

Kak Atiqah and Kak Syira meet them before after registeration
dieorg ah yg halau butterfly drpd perut kite org masa menunngu masa interview
best laa borak n banyak info laa tahu thanks to Abg Shida (aku teringat kat bunny)
And my turn.
satu group 4 org and apparently satu group ngn Aida schoolmate KGV
then Raef (Im not sure his name) and Nasuha
sebaik dpt lambat sebab Interviewer pon da penat n lapar
so they want to make it as easy as they can laa

With the interviewers and my group discussing member
okayh tu baru laaa nervous aku dtg
tapi sumpah aku ckp 
"never judge the book by its cover"
sumpah lepak gila. Klakar and they good in impressing people
btol laa cakap bebudak yg baru abis tuhh fasi pon ckp bende yg sama
so I was about to tell the same thing: wey lepak jeee

korang pembaca was like-"ape soalan dia ape soalan dia  susah tak?"

And it goes like this:

"I quite impress in ur Tour n Recreational club. Could u tell me about it"
(sebab masa tuh aku ckp laa aku Naib pengerusi)
then dia tanya org lain mostly dia tanya pasal dlm borang yg aku isi tuh
tapi nasib la maybe first people yg interview die org akn tnaya pasal tell me about urself ke hape sebab maybe masa tuh banyak masa kann

"ok pick one tittle and discuss in group tell us when u ready"
so kite org pilih - What is Critical skill thinking? What is the important of critical thinking skills for student?
hakleh haha hahahaha then kite or goreng ah pasal HOTS and pasal soalan SPM yg susah nak mati
tu. tuu jee alaa sekejap je. Pastu da abis kite org borak2 gamble2 but still in Eng la dude
Interviewers pensyarah KYSB ramai origin luar negara ade Ireland Australia NZ and ade laa
 best laa. then yg akn interview 2 org aku dpt Ms SJ (Aussie) and Puan ape tah Malay la
best laaa

then boleh balik aku packing then amik gambar semua tukar no fon
and a lot of friends we met there thats for sure!!!
tetibe rase mcm x nk balik....

With Shasha Amir and Syamil
With Norman Riduan and Farha

okayh these photo masa #photohunt #explorace we had so much fun

with Abg Shida - The Hercules
Shasha Shamil Ilya and Sin Chi 

Lost in the Wood - Farha Farra Norman and Riduan

Going Up Up with Yellow - Anuar Amir Me and Aliya 

 to people yang buat research pasal CA  yg KYS punya Camp ni haaa boleh laa rujuk aku yg da berpengalaman niyh OK :) aku tahu mesti korang x tahu ape bende niyh and try google kann. I know cause Im making a same things too. So this is for you laa :D
and one more thing nak tahu lebih lanjut sila klik------->

Lastly best of luck you guys may we be a good CA in the future :D

Thats all from me 


Anonymous said...

THANK YOU! This actually helped me. I got the offer too, going on 28th x.x

ameera said...

Hai.. nak tnye la, die ade sediakan iron & iron board x? ke kena bawak sendiri iron? really curious about that..

owner said...

ade jee iron kat situ but dekat luar room laaa my nasihat is iron laa baju drpd rumah sebab nnti kene tunggu giliran and iron hitam terbakar sikit

Anonymous said...

Macam mana nak daftar? Ke mmg dia akan panggil insan istimewa yang terpilih je..

ferrarosman said...

Well said, they will offer you in form of email so stay tuned. But before that they will call you and hand you the surat tawaran. There's no admission or daftarkan diri.

Unknown said...

Saya dapat gak tapi cuakk yang amat huwaaa. Hujung bulan ni..

ferrarosman said...

Good luck dear, everything's gonna be alright

Anonymous said...

Hii akak, saya akan join camp kys ni this coming february. Akak bawak apa je pergi sana like selain baju utk recreational activities and baju kurung untuk interview. Sorry akak hehe

Anonymous said...

Hai akk..I'm gonna join this camp tomorrow..may I know..did they ask you about kysb,or your further study plan or other personal questions??I just want to prepare myself..thanks for the tips btw😊

Anonymous said...

Hai akk..I'm gonna join this camp tomorrow..may I know..did they ask you about kysb,or your further study plan or other personal questions??I just want to prepare myself..thanks for the tips btw��