Something ends because there is something better lined up in the future

Something ends because there is something better lined up in the future

Tuesday 30 December 2014

Im currently working but something stop me

Assalamualaikum :)

firstly nak mensyukuri nikmat jap,
Alhamdulillah hujan pon dah semakin reda mangsa banjir pon dah banyak balik rumah
sekolah pun nk dibuka
but now im not a high school girl anymore
ohh itsso blessed hahaa so
who ever yg masih bersekolah
teruskan usaha anda :)

okayh currently aku dapat kerja dekat sebuah supermarket di senawang
sebagai cashier aji pon RM 730
x payah laa kan aku nk mention kkek mano...
but upon a first day I had quit my job
sebab ape? hmmm

firstly, penat gila jadi cashier (anak manja)
sakit leguh2 tulang belakang aku ingatkan rest jadi cashier
ni best and x memenatkan haha
well it was just my imagination
daa la first day kerja kene kutuk ngn ade sorang customer yg berlagak mcm datin
"ish lambatnyee budak niyh"
sebaik kak Ira backup aku ishhh kalau laaa aku ade kekuatan
nak jee aku jerit kat laki dia
"En. jgn jadi dayus suruh isteri en. niyh pakai tudung boleh"
-_- kbyeee....

secondly, sebab ade smpai shift pukul 10 malam
habislaaa drama kesukaan aku...
penat laa mcm tuhh

thirdly, no convenient place to pray
aku x dapat bayangkan cemana pekerja lain solat kalau x de tempat solat
I once asked,
"kak sini ade tempat solat takk?"
"x de laa farah"
"habistuu mcm mana akak2 semua solat"
"kite org balik umah laaa kalau sempat solatlaa kalau x qada"
then my heart pumping so fast
without further asking Im just keep myself silent
haishhhh...susahnyee nk dapat kerja yg dekat ngan Allah
and mcm niyh ke org melayu I mean org Islam
amik enteng pasal solat
memang laaa Im not perfect but I tried to
so keputusan aku utk berhenti semakin tebal

fouthhly, kedai ni jual ARAK
ade satu asa tuh memang kedai tuh ramai gila org then
tetibe ade customer niyh bayar kat counter aku
terkejut aku 6 tin arak dia letak kat atas cashier
takkan aku nk buat alasan nk pergi tandas kann or counter closed ke ape ke
i tried to run
tapi tuu lah terpakse pegang utk scan and letakkan dalam plastik
aku sedih sgt sebab tangan aku yg suci mulus niyh
terpaksa pegang arak
aku pon tak tahu kedai niyh jual arak pada mulanyaaa

aku berhenti bukan ape, akak2 kat sini semua baik2
walaupon aku ni mcm bengap sikit sebab first day kann
tapi they tried to give me the best
hmmm but if u were in my shoes
probably u would do the same thing as what Im doing right
tak pee laaa 
walaupon org lain kata
"sayangnyeee berhenti baru sehari"
tapi aku lebih sayang Allah (ah believes me im not a keyboard warrior)

Pendapat aku, bnyak lagi kerja yg halal dan baik dlm dunia niyh
so now my next step,
aku daa hantar resume kepada Hospital Salamdekat Senawang
hoping for the chances to get job there
and t gain as much of experiance working in suasana hospital
nanti mungkin aku boleh belajar pasal doktor atau psychiatrist kat situ
yahhh who knows right?

mesti org lain tanya
"nak jadi doktor ke hape budak ni"
to correct whats ur first thought about hospital,
HOSPITAL bukan tempat utk para doktor jee...
dieorg ade jugak org yg backup utk kerja2 underground

but aku bersyukur Allah sedarkan aku awal
and nanti dalam resume boleh letak working experiance sbg cashier
(walaupon one day)

so point is, sape lepasan SPM atau sape yg daa graduate
yg nk bekerja,
carilah kerja yg membuatkan anda ingat Sang Pencipta
dan cari kerja yang halal dan baik :)
You can make the difference

thats all May Allah Bless You

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