Something ends because there is something better lined up in the future

Something ends because there is something better lined up in the future

Friday 27 December 2013


Assalamualaikum dear readers~
its been a long time i didnt refresh the post

rinduu nyaa blog
okayh whats new about me? favourite akasia episod
and thank God it happend before im going back to school
haha..hmmm my comment
not more than sayinggg *awww so sweet*

 school open about a week from now
but sadly i ve got to be there two days more
its Sunday..okayh the things is half packed
homework done but addmath is almost done
im not ready to have an open year exame...
wahhh so scary...and my memories in form 4 subject kinda lost nak share citer bestt
org kata kalau perempuan x leh masak x leh kawin 
so takut laa dgr cakap org tua2 tuh aku pon belajar laa masak
x de la masak bende best pon just my favourite dish
gulai tempoyak ikan patin
and ive done first try, my grandma and family said that it was not bad
and second try my mother said it was too good
and im gonna do the third try and want to hear my friends comment haha

i think thats all...
dear reader..wait for my special post
about 2013...
maybe there is you on the post yahh who knows haha


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