Something ends because there is something better lined up in the future

Something ends because there is something better lined up in the future

Saturday 13 July 2013

hell that damn

okayh mencarut...
that's too much

okayh sorry a lot
aku rase mcm nk mati bila nk berdepan ngan mama pagi esok
guess what happen 

well my mother lappy was been format
and aku terformat kot
its start mcm niyh
petang tadi adek aku main...
pastu tunggu dia restart, pastu loading, pastu daa berbuka,
dia teros off camtu jee

pastu lepas daa abes terawih,
aku bukak laa lappy tuh...
pastu bende yang sama berlaku...
then aku restart balik
then bila bende ni daa bukak pastu tetibe jd lain
semua data2 daa hilang
aku panggil abg maybe he can fix it
pastu dia ckp...
"kau daa terformat laa kot..hmmm, kau tekan ape je"
thats all he can say..
and daa x leh bantu ape daa

aku sumpah diselebungi rasa bersalah sangat niyh
x tahu laaa cemana nk teros terang ngan mama
mcm nk mati pown ade gak
menyesal sesangat pown ade gak
habis semua download2 daa hilang,movies videos songs picture
im feeling lost
mesti nanti kene maki..
ouhh i wish dedek was here to fix it...

there is no way to meet the end..I have to face it

am I ready??
pray for my best kayh...


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