Something ends because there is something better lined up in the future

Something ends because there is something better lined up in the future

Sunday 13 October 2013

throwback rayamerdeka memories

Hey guys hey guys hey guys...
Whats up there...

Dulu masa merdeka harituu ingatkan nk update pasal whats goin on kat sekolah...
Yee laa mcm tahun lepas merdeka raya
Tunggu firecrackers 12 malam
But this year is a bit different for me
Well celebrating with my new friends :)
budak form four baru ^_^

Excitedly being a senior
And masa niyh ade bwk DSLR
Yay more pic down there

And a little bit sour memory
That night...
And bila kenang balik rase kelakar 
So papew pown kene amik pengajaran and iktibar
Nak kene cerita ke???
Hmmm better not laa kann laok laa kami
Papew pown pukul 12 .30 tuh kite org kemas dewan ngan gembira nyaaa....pelik ann
paling best nye tahun niyh
sekolah ade buat gotong royong b uat lemang and dodol
memang hand made laaa kan
tu laa bestnye dpt rasai suasana kampung
best laa...

Okayh without wasting...
Lets take a look on those picture...


 me and Dini olala

me, akak badar and PercuBa

terpaksa merempat tepi dewan sebab loaded

aku da cakap budak Candy memang *comell*

all time low bestie :)

IDK why me and yura make such a freak face *arghh*

ternyata ku lebih tinggi drpd K

budak arab sedunia *way to go guys*

we are the ones CANDYtwothousandthirteen

stress gila tunggu photographer

sumpah style*

awaken bestie with dayana

with mama canteen

khawa 2012

miss old Khw

vote for Abg Nasyeed STJ!

untungahh semua pakai cantik malam tuh

woahh exco Asrama dooo!

muka beng gila lower form amik tempat duduk

with kak poya

misi mengemas dewann

last night with cikgu azwa

pemenang costume

fire crackers behind us

by bunny

with chem teacher *jambu

with En Din

aku tengok jee

rumah kurshiah pakai baju budin

Abi Candy

first lemang yg dikopek oleh kurshiah

khemah kurshiah paling happening

gembiranya first time masukkan isi lemang

DSLR aku menjelajah

thats all kowt takkan laa nk show of semua gambar...
papew pown

thats all from me

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